How to Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy

How to Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Normal Delivery and Cesarean in which does hair fall more?

Normal delivery is a general phenomenon. So the levels of hormones has decreased naturally and after the caesarean section operation, the levels of hormone has suddenly decreased. So the risk of hair fall after Caesar is increased.The mother does not sleep but still her hair falls. To feed the baby, she has to wake up repeatedly in the night, the mother is unable to eat all the time, to cope with the child, she cannot be taken care of herself. Most of our country’s newly-born women do not eat much because of it. As a result, she does not sleep. Then the hair falls. In order to make the hair grow, the doctor advices to massage the steroid drop. It works a bit. Apart from this, blood circulation increases in the head and so it regrows hair.Usually hair falls for two to three months after the childbirth. But when properly eaten and cared, this hair naturally grows again.


Mother’s Care

This care needs to be started while a woman is pregnant. Pregnancy and breast-feeding – in these two cases, more than 300 to 500 calories is needed on women’s normal calories. So protein, carbohydrate, fat-all should be eaten properly. If she cannot eat it at once, she needs to eat periodically . It is necessary to eat fruits and milk. After childbirth in our country, the tradition of eating sugary, milk and calories is available and that provides the needed calories.

It is very good not to eat too much oily and spicy foods and extra fritters.

Anemia is a big problem. 80 percent of our mother has under 10g of hemoglobin. The treatment must be done according to the doctor’s order. The treatment does not mean to eat iron pills or capsules at one’s own wise. Only the doctor can tell which medicine is effective in the case. Antioxidant is also prescribed.

If a mother can make her baby to sleep after breastfeeding and then leave the baby to any family member or to a baby sitter and sleep for at least two to three hours at midday, it will be good for her.. If needed, breast milk can be stored and left to feed the baby at the time.

Two days a week, rub the head with non-medicated shampoo. Before bedtime, dip cotton in light hair oil and massage it on the head for at least five minutes.

After childbirth, full body and health of the mother and health of skin and skin care is very important. Often the mother loses her normal jaw after childbirth. As a result of not taking proper care of the hair, the mother can be seen till the bald head. So do not neglect your hair and seek medical attention and take treatment.

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